control-release | 2008

control-release | 2008 fluorescent light, electric cable, electronic partsH3000 W12200 D4000 (mm) This work consists of out-of-control fluorescent lights. Even as the computer sends the 0 and 1 signal alternately in regular order to the fluorescent lights, the lights blink in completely irregular timing and create randomness in rhythm. In fact, there are obvious miscommunications between commander and receiver, and this bug creates an unperceived and complicated state of electric flow between them. This state is a sort of “ambiguousness” that cannot be classified as either 0 or 1. The work suggests that all things also hold an unstable state of discontinuous continuity. The fluorescent lights randomly installed in the space […]

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∴ 0=1 -darkness filled with light | 2008

∴ 0=1 –darkness filled with light | 2008 Type C Print, Aluminum composite boardH1200 W3000 D60 (mm) Never ending darkness stretches into outer space. Various interstellar materials exist there in low density, though it seems nothing exists at first sight. Dark matter is a typical example that, with current scientific techniques, cannot be observed directly. As just described, there are various entities in “nothing.” What we know is merely a part of the whole. A great amount of light appears on the empty black photograph. Like outer space, in this photograph, “nothing” and “something” indicate the same phenomenon. […]

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∴ 0=1 -vacuum | 2008

∴ 0=1 –vacuum | 2008 glass, vacuum of 1×10⁻⁵ Paφ200 (mm) In reality, no volume of space can be a perfect vacuum. Some kinds of molecules, atoms, or elementary particles must exist. In other words, there is no such thing as “absolute nothing” in this world. Thus, the two ideas, existence and absence, indicate the same phenomenon here. Inside the glass, the vacuum state is high (1×10-5Pa), created by a turbomolecular pump, but still there are a few molecules that remain. This means that this space can be said to be “nothing” and “something.” […]

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∴ 0=1 -trace of light and heat | 2011

∴ 0=1 -trace of light and heat | 2011 gelatin silver printH1100 W1980 (mm) I made this work with the participants in my workshop. The images are the trace of light and heat created just before the mechanical pencil lead burned out. In spite of the fact that the images are made in the same way, the resulting images are always different. The momentary record of the filament burning out (annihilation) and light and heat being released (generation), indicates that they are one in the same. […]

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∴ 0=1 -geostationary point | 2009

∴ 0=1 –geostationary point | 2009 laser pointer, equatorial mounting, rotation of the earthH2500 W8000 D14000 (mm) This work consists of the equatorial mounting, an automatic follow-up system for watching stars, and a laser pointer. You can see that the dot of red light projected on the floor or the wall moves slowly. But, if you could view the light from outer space, you might recognize it as a static dot. This is because everything around you is moving with the Earth. That is to say, the difference between “dynamic” and “static” just depends on point of view, and this work expresses that “dynamic” and “static” are equivalent. […]

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