∴ 0=1 -inflation  | 2013

∴ 0=1 -inflation  | 2013 fluorescent light, electric cableH3000 W7000 D5700 (mm) The beginning of this universe might have been the end of another universe. I have found a proximity relationship between the explosion of fluorescent lamps and Big Bang cosmology. In this work, the broken florescent lights represent the aftermath left in outer space created by the Big Bang, in other words, stars and beings. Inside the fluorescent tubes is a high vacuum for the electricity discharge to occur, so the phenomenon of these tubes breaking is similar to the beginning of this universe. Therefore, the broken tubes (a kind of “annihilation”) may become a metaphor for the beginning of […]

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∴ 0=1 -origins of life  | 2014

∴ 0=1 -origins of life  | 2014 glass, tungsten, ammonia water, ethanol, Tesla coil, vacuum grease, vacuum pump, electric cable, acrylic boardH1500 W800 D350 (mm) Through my artwork, I try to explore the eternal proposition of how lives were born. As we have diversities of hypotheses about the origin of life, none of them gets to the core of truth and whole things are yet in the mystery. One of the theories explains that the substance in early earth had a chemical reaction by some kind of energy such as thunder, meteorite impact, etc. and amino acid was generated. This amino acid formed into protein and even into DNA and the […]

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∴ 0=1 -water circulation  | 2014

∴ 0=1 -water circulation  | 2014 glass, water, Peltier cooling unit, copper, aluminumH500 W170 D170 (mm) This work is a model of water circulation system of the earth; the water of the sea or river is vaporized by heat from the sun and rise to the sky in the form of vapor, and be cooled down above the sky and become the rain to fall to the ground. I recreated the this water circulation system in the glass container. Through my work, I think that people can rediscover one’s awareness of the existence of water vapor in the air in which people are barely conscious of. it shows that the water […]

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∴ 0=1 -air pressure  | 2013

∴ 0=1 –air pressure  | 2013 glass, air pressure, vacuumφ200 (mm) This glass work is made by the difference in atmosphere pressure. By using glass, I create the visualization of unnoticeable air pressure. In the glass blowing, the heated glass will blown up with little air like a balloon, because of the expansion of the air with the heat. The heated air is sealed in the glass ball and it becomes the vacuum state when the glass ball is cooled down. As the glass ball is in this state, I reheated the portion of the surface of the glass ball, the heated portion is melted and pulled into the center of […]

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∴ 0=1 -open ended  | 2015

∴ 0=1 –open ended  | 2015 neon sign, glass, vacuum of 1×10⁻⁵ Pa, electric cablevariable size The beginning of this universe might have been the end of another universe. I have found a proximity relationship between the explosion of fluorescent lamps and Big Bang cosmology. In this work, the broken florescent lights represent the aftermath left in outer space created by the Big Bang, in other words, stars and beings. Inside the fluorescent tubes is a high vacuum for the electricity discharge to occur, so the phenomenon of these tubes breaking is similar to the beginning of this universe. Therefore, the broken tubes (a kind of “annihilation”) may become a […]

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∴ 0=1 -Polaris (BC100000-AD100000)  | 2015

∴ 0=1 -Polaris (BC100000-AD100000)  | 2015 neon sign, glass, electric cableH500 W500 D300 (mm) Polaris in the Arctic pole is called as “fixed star” and seemed to be unmoved its location looking from the earth. But by the influence of many forces of universe, the positional relationship of the earth and Polaris continue to change in a million years. In this work, I made a simulation of change in the position of Polaris looking from the earth between 100000 B.C. to 100000 A.D. and traced its track of movement of Polaris with neon light. This simulation is only based on diurnal motion , annual motion and precession, but in the real […]

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afterglow  | 2015

afterglow  | 2015 mirror, wire, stone wallvariable size At this place, there was shrine existed before where people were assembled and prayed together. In the long time, the building had been tumbled-down and shrine was taken away. When I have first visited this place, there was no building of shrine anymore and only the structure of stonewall had been remained. But I had a mysterious feeling that I seemed to see the existence of something that is not existed anymore and I stated to solve what this invisible existence is about. In this work, I attempted to shape this “invisible existence.” The challenging thing of this work is that as I […]

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control – technology  | 2016

control – technology  | 2016 fluorescent light, electric componentsvariable size In this work, the fluorescent lights blinks irregularly by the devise with loss of its control. By installing the one of artificial lights as a metaphor of present day into ancient home, I try to suggest the audiences to feel the difference of brightness between ancient time and present time. And I also try to indicate the difficulty of controlling every nature through this work and question what the great balance between the development of technology and the richness of our lives would be. […]

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