
∴ 0=1 -trace of light | 2009 type C print, photo acrylicH25700 W5500 D50 (mm) This work is a kind of photogram that is marked directly on photographic paper. The image recorded is the spark of light made when a fuse burns out. The image of this photogram captures the emission of light that is “generation” occurring from the burning out of the fuse, which is “annihilation.” As a result, it suggests that the conflicting ideas of generation and annihilation are more likely to be equivalent. […]

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∴ 0=1 -trace of light | 2009

∴ 0=1 -trace of light | 2009 type C print, photo acrylicH1170 W3000 D50H2150 W1140 D50H1200 W1500 D50H1000 W1000 D40 (mm) In this work, light, which was born just before the fuse burnt out, is directly printed on photographic paper. The images printed on photographic paper are like marks made at the very moment light that was born out of annihilation was emitted. The idea of annihilation is not the negation of generation. Rather, I would say there is no difference between them. […]

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∴ 0=1 -medium: blue snowfield | 2010∴ 0=1 -medium: blue drift ice | 2010∴ 0=1 -medium: blue cloud | 2010 Lambda printH355 W279 (mm) The photographic images taken from space, by advanced land observing satellite (ALOS), about 700km above the ground, have a bluish color. The atmosphere between ALOS and the ground causes this phenomenon, known as Rayleigh scattering. In other words, the atmosphere is taken as bluish color in these pictures. I have selected images of a snowfield, drift ice and clouds that are normally white. In this way, the blue planet and outer space are contiguous. […]

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∴ 0=1 -border | 2010

∴ 0=1 -border | 2010 φ 60nm of particle, water, acrylic, HMI lightH1700 W3700 D5400 (mm) This work is a model of the Earth’s atmosphere. This model reproduces the color alterations of the sky and the sun with nano-sized particles that are smaller than the wavelength of the light. The white light changes from blue (the wavelength is short) to red (the wavelength is long) due to the distance of colloid solution the light passes through because the shortest light wavelength is the easiest to be scattered. As described above, the Earth’s atmosphere is seemingly nothing, but consists of various matter such as air, water, dust from the Earth, space, and […]

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∴ 0=1 -flame  | 2009

∴ 0=1 -flame  | 2009 neon sign, glass, electric cableφ280 (mm) I tried to create my own understanding of the “fireball model” of the universe immediately following the Big Bang. Then, I visualized the image of light and energy in a highly compact state. I made the neon tube based on a figure I created by forcefully crumpling paper and wire into a ball. This represents the fireball model’s highly compact state of light and energy. The beginning of this universe can be considered to be the moment at which “disappearance” and “generation” occurred at the same time. […]

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dried sunflower [sunflower project]  | 2011

dried sunflower [sunflower project]  | 2011 sunflowers grown in Fukushima and IbarakiH2500 W4000 D4000 (mm) impermanent preservation [sunflower project]  | 2012 sunflowers grown in Fukushima and Ibaraki, paraffin waxH200 W11600 D10500 (mm) The use of sunflowers to remove radioactive materials from the land became a hot topic for discussion after the Great East Japan Earthquake. Sunflowers are considered to be special plants that favor the absorption of radioactive materials. As such, many sunflowers were planted in affected areas in 2011. I saw many sunflowers blooming in the summer of 2011. Visually, those flowers were just aesthetically beautiful, but they contained people’s mixed feelings and hopes that are invisible. However, in September 2011, […]

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∴ 0=1 -trace of light_2014

∴ 0=1 -trace of light  | 2014 type C print, photo acrylicH1000 W1000H860 W1040 (mm) This work is a kind of photogram that is marked directly on photographic paper. The image recorded is the spark of light made when a fuse burns out. The image of this photogram captures the emission of light that is “generation” occurring from the burning out of the fuse, which is “annihilation.” As a result, it suggests that the conflicting ideas of generation and annihilation are more likely to be equivalent. […]

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∴ 0=1 -light from the earth: Seoul  | 2011∴ 0=1 -light from the earth: Bergen  | 2014∴ 0=1 -light from the earth: Tokyo  | 2014 gelatin silver printH560 W740 (mm) Underneath the city lights, the lives of countless people change as time goes by. Though length of time must be taken into consideration, the stars in the night sky change as well. In this work, I tried to capture the trajectory of the lights on the Earth that vary over time by shooting the city lights from a stationary extraterrestrial point. By using long exposure to record the city’s night view, the path of Earth’s light (which changes as time goes by) is […]

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∴ 0=1 -expansion  | 2010

∴ 0=1 -expansion  | 2010 fluorescent light, electric cableH3000 W3000 D3000 (mm) The beginning of this universe might have been the end of another universe. I have found a proximity relationship between the explosion of fluorescent lamps and Big Bang cosmology. In this work, the broken florescent lights represent the aftermath left in outer space created by the Big Bang, in other words, stars and beings. Inside the fluorescent tubes is a high vacuum for the electricity discharge to occur, so the phenomenon of these tubes breaking is similar to the beginning of this universe. Therefore, the broken tubes (a kind of “annihilation”) may become a metaphor for the beginning of […]

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